Observe Lent & Holy Week with Us
Palm Sunday - April 13th
Join us for worship and communion at our regular times 8am, 9am, & 11am
Maundy Thursday - April 17th
Worship & Communion 7:00pm
The last night of Jesus' life. Maundy Thursday begins the hours of Jesus' betrayal and death, but holds the promise of resurrection and new life. Come and observe this solemn night and participate in Holy Communion as we remember Jesus just as he asked us to do.
Good Friday - April 18th
Worship 12pm - 1pm
As we follow Jesus, our journey takes us from bright peaks to the valley of the shadow of death. Jesus lived faithfully, loved fully, and died horribly and unjustly. Is this the end of the story?

Easter Sunday
Easter Boardwalk Service 8:00-8:30am
Greet the morning with faith, hope and love! Jesus is alive… and because he is, we can live anew life too! Our Easter Boardwalk Service will be held at the 11th St. Pavilion.
Contemporary Easter Service 9:00am
A festive Easter celebration led by our praise band. We will tell the Easter story and Jesus’ invitation to life, life to the fullest, and life eternal.
Traditional Easter Service 11:00am
Hymns, bells, and choir. We will tell the Easter story and how it gives all of us freedom to live a grace-filled, healthy spiritual life.
Lenten Theme
Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching people. Luke 5:10
These were the words Jesus spoke to his first disciples. Jesus extends that same offer to all people. Two simple words that invite us to discover life in its fullest, love in its deepest, faith in its most courageous.